25.01.2025 22:48
Item dispatched
25.01.2025 17:30
Departure from Regional Sorting Center
Charles-de-Gaulle Apt/Paris
25.01.2025 12:13
Arrived at [Shanghai International Mail Processing Center] (transit)
Guangzhou International Mail Processing Center, Guangzhou city
25.01.2025 06:56
In Transit to Next Facility
Hangzhou International Mail Processing Center, Hangzhou
25.01.2025 01:38
Item dispatched
Hangzhou International Mail Processing Center, Hangzhou city
24.01.2025 20:21
Arrived at Regional Facility
Hefei city
24.01.2025 15:03
Collection request is confirmed and being carried out
RIDGELY, MD, 21660
24.01.2025 09:46
Shipping Label Created, USPS Awaiting Item
RED DEER, AB, Canada
24.01.2025 04:28
[Fuzhou International Mail Processing Center] departure from outward office of exchange
SURREY, BC, Canada
23.01.2025 23:11
Departed from Facility
United States, United States
23.01.2025 17:54
Airline departed from transit or district country
23.01.2025 12:36
Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item
23.01.2025 07:19
Arrived at Facility
23.01.2025 02:01
Delivered. (Return to sender)
Sharapovo d
22.01.2025 20:44
Order placed
Shamshabad Air Port TMO
22.01.2025 15:26
Departed from [international branch office receiving center], next stop [Beijing]
international operational department, Dongguan
22.01.2025 10:09
AVENEL, NJ, 07001
Tracking numbers examples: